How to Use Your Idle Computer and Get Paid in Bitcoin
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How to Use Your Idle Computer and Get Paid in Bitcoin

Bitcoin cannot be mined with average CPUs anymore. But if you have a strong PC with a mid-level GPU or above, you can still mine other cryptocurrencies and earn Bitcoin. The easiest way to do this is to make your PC work for you while it is idle by joining a hashing power marketplace like NiceHash with the computing power of your CPU or GPU.

NiceHash is our recommended solution for mining because it does not require complex technical skills, easy to get started and provides miners with regular payouts, great customer support, high-end security and system stability.

What is NiceHash?

NiceHash is a well-known brand among cryptocurrency miners. It is a large hash power broker marketplace that connects miners of hash power (a.k.a. sellers) like you with buyers of hash power. You can think of it as the power that your computer can generate and use to run and solve different cryptocurrency Proof-of-Work hashing algorithms.

How does NiceHash work?

You are basically selling the hash power of your computer to a buyer in the NiceHash marketplace. To do that, you need to run a software for mining (NiceHash Miner) on your computer to connect it to NiceHash marketplace.

Once you connect your computer to NiceHash marketplace (NiceHash servers), the hashing power of your computer is forwarded to a pool that a buyer has chosen for mining. For each valid share you submit, you get paid in bitcoins.

How much you can earn with NiceHash?

This depends on how powerful your computer is and you need a strong enough computer to e profitable. If you have a mid-level GPU or above, you could be earning from a few cents up to a few euros per day. We recommend gaming PCs since they normally have a stronger CPU and stronger GPU components which increase profitability. You can check if your computer is up to the task and profitable on the NiceHash profitibaility calculator.

Note that laptops are not recommended for mining and NiceHash does not support it.

Make your PC work for you

If you want to know more about NiceHash visit their Guides & Tutorials.

If you are interested, you can register and start mining with NiceHash or watch the video below on how to start mining with NiceHash.

How can you cash out your earned Bitcoin?

You will receive your payments in your NiceHash wallet. You can browse our catalog of hundreds of brands and pay from your NiceHash wallet. Pro tip: you can avoid high BTC transaction fees and waiting times by using Lightning payment from your NiceHash wallet option at CryptoRefills.

Disclaimer: This post is for informational purposes only, and none of the information above is intended to be legal, investment, financial, or other advice.